Team Manager Guide: Adding Missing Team Members

This article is one of a three part series aimed at people that have Team Management responsibilities within the pharmacy.

It's important that the members of the pharmacy are up to date as most stores performance is monitored based on the number of courses completed by the team.

Problem: Learners do not appear in dashboards and reports, skewing performance information

The learner has transferred from another store in your organisation and has a learning account.

Ask the team member to confirm their previous store and team manager, then request that the team manager completes a transfer.

Notes on how the outgoing team manager can complete a transfer can be found in the article Team Manager Guide: Removing Team Members 

The learner is a new starter at your organisation but has a Mediapharm account from their previous job

Ask the learner if they already have a Mediapharm account from a previous job (show them your learning pages as a memory jog). If they do, raise a helpdesk request via this site to transfer their learning record into your organisation.

The learner is a new starter without a Mediapharm account 

Choose the Add New Team Member link from the Actions block on the right of the TEAM MEMBERS page. 

You will be taken to the New team member registration page. Complete all details for the learner and make a note of the password you chose.

The learner will appear in your TEAM MEMBERS tab. Their login user name will be in the format firstname.lastname.organisation, but to confirm this visit the REPORTS tab and view the Team Report, where that information is shown.

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